Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Food Is So Black And White - 942 Words
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary Food is, â€Å"Material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy†(Merriam-Webster). Biologically the dictionary perfectly defines the word food, yet it is described as something so black and white. Food’s definition should describe food as something meaningful instead of something bland. Food is so much more than just an everyday necessity but rather food is an extension of the individual who is eating, which can give an insight on the life of the individual. For instance, in the past the surplus of food became a status symbol. Men and women of wealth used their money to simply buy†¦show more content†¦The food that people eat can give hints of someone’s economic class. The wealthy, on the other hand find luxurious foods easily accessible. Only a small portion of the entire population may ever t ry these expensive foods. Luxurious foods like caviar, truffles or kobe beef can take an enormous amount of energy to harvest and collect which results in an expensive price. These luxurious foods can cost more than an average person’s rent. Not only can the wealthy afford healthy foods, they can afford food reserved for those with high incomes. The price of the food can give in insight on the wealth of people. Also food can reveal a person’s health. Additionally, a person’s health can associate with the food a person eats.(Those who eat foods high in fat content, will usually gain weight. For instance, those who gain an unhealthy amount of weight can give an insight on the health of the individual. Gaining too much weight in fat can eventually lead to heart failure and a whole plethora of diseases. On the other hand those who actively watch their weight and who eat a well balanced diet will typically live healthy lives. The foods people choose to consume can u nveil their health. Similarly the food available to people can reveal their culture. Furthermore, the type of food someone consumes can indicate a person’s ancestry. Oftentimes when referring to food it contains a label of the country of origin. A cultures food mayShow MoreRelatedObesity As An Extreme Excess Of Body Fat1690 Words  | 7 Pagesthe risk of illness from numerous issues such as heart disease and diabetes. As weight increases, so does the prevalence of health risks. Because of the importance of these issues, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services considers obesity among the 10 leading health indicators in Healthy People 2020, which are the health objectives for the Nation. In recent history, obesity among the black communities has become one of the most prevalent issues that urban America endures. But why is urbanRead MoreRichard Nathaniel Wright s Life1520 Words  | 7 PagesNathaniel Wright was born September 4th, 1908 in Roxie, Mississippi. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Career As A Social Worker Essay - 1416 Words
â€Å"All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don’t discover why. Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for other’s†- Danny Thomas (founder of St. Jude Children’s Research hospital). That concept alone is able to inspire people every day to do better for others. Some are actually so passionate about aiding other individuals that they decide to choose a field in regards to it. In actuality a profession as a Social worker is one of the most renowned occupations when it comes to assisting people. The path to becoming a social worker is very difficult, but in the end you will know what is to be human and to be humane. What it’s all about A career as a Social worker primarily involves attending individuals, families, groups of people to cope with complications they are facing which is beneficial to improving the patient’s lives. As a licensed Social worker you will carry immense responsibility and very little authority. You will have to handle researching and referring individuals to useful sources, evaluate clients and follow up to ensure their conditions are improving, help clients cope with alterations like illness, be a critical support network for the clients, and many more. Becoming a Social worker not only requires multitasking, but it also involves a substantial amount of professional skills like, detailed note-taking skills (helps develop strategies and interventions), Active listening skills (helps askShow MoreRelatedThe Career Of A Social Worker Essay1487 Words  | 6 PagesThe career of a social worker is known by others as a person who has both the determination and responsibility to help others despite the unfavorable situations that is presented. From my perspective, a social worker is a giving person who loves what they do, despite the varying schedules. That perspective of a social worker is someone who I would like to become. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Imperialism and South Africa free essay sample
Effect on South Africa Imperialism was a movement that affected all parts of the world, beginning as early as the 19th century. Wealthy and established nations would annex and take control of underdeveloped nations and civilize them. This may sound good in theory, but Imperialism seemed to take advantage of the so-called â€Å"inferior†nations more than truly help them. The economic superpowers seized the land of the territories they thought to be subordinate, using it as trading depots, an outlet to gain natural resources, and to civilize the native people. These three factors continued to be a main staple in society of South Africa even after imperialism ended and it was an independent nation. Racial segregation was extreme, and it all stemmed from imperialistic qualities left from those such as Ferry and Paton. Qualities assumed from imperialistic times had a lasting negative effect on South Africa, leading to racial segregation and a sense of inferiority in the black population during the second half of the 20th century. At the outset, imperialism has an extensive background that affected all parts of the world, including South Africa, the New Hebrides, Tunisia and Madagascar. The economic superpowers- England, France, the U. S. S. R, the United States, Portugal, and several other European nations- began to expand their empires. Areas of primitiveness that were rich in valuable natural resources were obvious and popular targets for expansion (Notes 10/25). This soon became a race to see which countries could annex as much land as possible, and in the case of Africa, the competition soon became known as the â€Å"Scramble for Africa†. Yet why was this land so valuable? Ferry said it best when he talked about reasoning behind colonial expansion. The main goals behind imperialism were to open up trade routes, gain land and therefore the natural resources found there, and to civilize the subordinate people that populated the regions (Ferry 1-2). Many countries would have been benefited by opening trade routes and hoped to get an edge on the competition. Having ports all around the world would create an economic boom for a country. Paton, a Scottish missionary sent to the New Hebrides, explained the desirable aspects of this incentive when he says, â€Å"Because the New Hebrides are already a British dependency in this sense – all its imports are from Sydney and Melbourne and British colonies, and all its exports are also to British colonies†(Paton 1). These o-called subordinate lands were an important feature to expanding the trade market of the powerful European nations. Another important aspect of why Imperialism was so popular had to do with the valuable natural resources found in the annexed countries. The â€Å"Scramble for Africa†was ultimately a race to see what country could gain the most land, and therefore the most natural resources to help stimulate the economy. Ferry speaks of the immense amount of coal that could be found on Africa’s islands- coal which could be used to power their naval ships to offer the country protection (Ferry 2). Paton also goes on to mention the vast agricultural benefits, â€Å"The islands on this group are generally very rich in soil and in tropical products so that if a possession of Great Britain, and if the labor traffic stopped so as to retain what remains of the native populations on them, they would soon, and for ages to come, become rich sources of tropical wealth to these colonies, as sugar cane is extensively cultivated on them by every native of the group, even in his heathen state†¦The islands also grow corn, cotton, coffee, arrowroot, and spices, etc. , and all tropical products could be largely produced on them (Paton 2). Each of the overly-industrialized European nations wanted to reap the benefits of the agriculturally opulent countries. However, the most mutable aspect of Imperialism would be the â€Å"civilizing†of the native people. The Imperializing countries believed the native people to be a subordinate race in need of civilization. In the eyes of Ferry, the native people had no right to the land. He claimed that the land belonged to the French, as they were a superior race of people (Ferry 2). He exclaimed, â€Å"Gentlemen, we must speak more loudly and more honestly! We must say openly that indeed the higher races have a right over the lower races†(Ferry 1). Ferry again went on to explain that it was the duty of the superior people to cultivate the lives of the natives. Paton and Great Britain also shared the same views on civilization as the French, but with more of a religious point of view. Missionaries were sent to spread Christianity, as Paton explains, â€Å"The islands of this group on which life and property are now comparatively safe, the 8,000 professed Christians on the group, and all the churches formed from among them are, by God’s blessing, the fruits of the labors of British missionaries, who, at great toil, expense, and loss of ife have translated, got printed, and taught the natives to read the Bible in part or in whole in nine different languages of this group†(Paton 2). It seemed that all of the so-called superior countries agreed upon the fact that they saw the native people as subordinate beings. Together, these three factors of Imperialism shaped the future of South Africa in the second half of the 20th century. Although South Africa was fundamentally independent during this time period, there were irreversible changes made in the mentality of the South African citizens. For instance, the white populous still saw South Africa as an outlet for natural resources. There was an immense amount of coal deposits in Apartheid, which were mined and exported. The spread of Christianity also remained a staple in South African culture, which was originally an effect of Imperialism. However, what proved to be the most outstanding attribute adopted from Imperial lifestyle was the inferiority of the black race to the whites. Apartheid, a predominantly white governed territory in South Africa, was plagued with severe racial segregation. Even though Imperialism had ended and South Africa was now independent, blacks were still thought to be subservient to the white population. The blacks were paid less to work in jobs that were menial and sometimes hazardous, they were given a lesser education, were forced to live in areas of poor conditions, and were not allowed to hold any positions of power (Tutu 3). This inferiority could also be seen through Geyer’s writings about Apartheid, especially when he refers to the entire black South African population as Bantu, which shows the extent of the segregation. Geyer even has the audacity to confront the issue of the native blacks holding no power in Apartheid by saying, We believe that, for a long time to come, political power will have to remain with the whites, also in the interest of our still very immature Bantu†(Geyer 2). Geyer continues to defend himself and the racial discrimination in Apartheid by referring to the old Imperial powers, such as Ferry and Paton, as reasoning for why it is acceptable. Geyer relates Apartheid to Ferry and Paton when he says, â€Å"The only alternative is a policy of apartheid, the policy of separate development. The germ of this policy is inherent in almost all of our history, implanted there by the force of circumstances†¦ Apartheid is a policy of self-preservation. We make no apology for possessing that very natural urge. But it is more than that. It is an attempt at self- preservation in a manner that will enable the Bantu to develop fully as a separate people†(Geyer 2). Imperialistic values held by those such as Ferry and Paton translates to the independent territories of South Africa, with the blacks still being seen as an inferior race of people. Geyer refuses to see the native South African people as anything but inferior, and inhibits their development. In conclusion, the characteristics imperialism inflicted during the scramble for Africa had a lasting negative effect on the lives of the black population during the second half of the 20th century in South Africa. Although by this time Imperialism had come to an end and South Africa was an independent nation, the blacks were still seen as an inferior race as seen during Imperialistic times. Many qualities of imperialism still held strong in South Africa, and it shaped South Africa into a racially segregated society, where blacks made less money, had lesser education, and were not allowed to hold positions of power. It goes to show how the radical opinions of old imperialistic leaders could still hold strong even decades later.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Management Of Staff And Volunteers Social Work Essay Example
Management Of Staff And Volunteers Social Work Essay This essay will show my apprehension of staff development, support and supervising in a supported lodging undertaking context. This will mention to theoreticians relevant to my professional pattern and include appendices of work topographic point supervising proformas. I am a support worker/project worker in a supported lodging unit in Nottingham, for 13 female immature adult females between the ages of 16 -25 old ages, are referred from Housing Aid. The service users are stateless and from assorted state of affairss such as, household dislocation or referrals from the Care system and their basic demands are addressed in an interview before referral. The procedure of enlisting starts with publicizing the station. There are about three hebdomads between the advert traveling out and the shutting day of the month. Job advertizements include electronic mails, every bit good as advertisement to the general populace in newspapers and on the wireless, Television or cyberspace. This will guarantee that appliers have adequate clip to have an information battalion by mail and have clip to set their application together. We will write a custom essay sample on Management Of Staff And Volunteers Social Work specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Management Of Staff And Volunteers Social Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Management Of Staff And Volunteers Social Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Tyler, Hoggart and Merton, ( 2009 ) suggests that a good director takes the duty of the direction and leading from the enlisting and choice procedure to do certain that the right campaigners are selected for the function. All appliers must have the same information bundle, be offered the same sum of clip to use, reply the same choice standards, and be asked the same interview inquiries. The choice standards must be the footing for make up ones minding the successful applier. Legislation needs to implement and guarantee that it is embedded in all the young person proviso every bit good as applied to members of staff is the equality act 2010. The equality act is place the responsibility on employers non to know apart anyone because of characters such as sex, race, faith or, disablement ( Appendix 1 ) . This information can non be shared with anyone including other members of the direction squad. Panel member s function is to maintain inside informations of employment procedure confiden tial. Committee members or other appliers talk to panel members about these rules before get downing the employment procedure ( Yapa, 2010 ) . The choice procedure falls into two parts, the first portion it is retained by the administration for publicizing the vacancy for short list intents. The 2nd portion is sent straight to human resources and usage for equal chances monitoring intents. On the twenty-four hours of the shutting day of the month for application, the director reexamine the receive application and buttocks campaigners for the qualities the occupation requires. This procedure is besides recorded on the short list to be informed and it depends on the figure of campaigners shortlist will be drawn up. Letterss will be sent to those selected for the interview reding them with the clip, day of the month and location of the interview. An lineation of the interview format shall besides be provided. However, should a larger panel be appropriate the figure of interviewers shou ld non transcend up to five ( SVP, 2007 ) . All these signifiers must be retained for six months after the successful campaigners has been selected for the station of short list of campaigners who are successfully at the first interview will be joined up and the 2nd interviews will be conducted. Prior to appointment mentions it shall be taken up by utilizing the mention petition missive plus all the necessary cheques for illustration condemnable record cheque. The successful campaigner should be informed that this will be taking topographic point and should candidate refused to supply this information or give out should be in nominated from the choice procedure. If non other shortlisted campaigner is suited for the place the station to be re-advertised ( SVP, 2007 ) . Tyler, Hoggart and Merton, ( 2009 ) states it is of import that initiation programme guarantee that the right campaigners are selected for the station. The function should affect staff development, supervising and public presentation reappraisal. These outlines the commissariats to set in topographic point guarantee that staff members have an up-to-date capacity edifice accomplishments that underpins the work with immature people. It is the director s duty to do certain that new employees received at thorough initiation about the administration. It is of import that clip accomplishments are met and that employee fit enough the mark upon completion of each stage. A transcript should be given to the employee and the original kept on the personal file ( Pritchard, 2000 ) . Once in the station support is provided on a regular basis and new employees are given extra support as they settle into the station. It is given by their directors and reflected on as portion of the provisional perio d. All employees are capable to 6 months probation period during which either party can end their employment at hebdomads notice. As portion of the probation period, assessment interview should take topographic point at three months and a concluding appraisal should take topographic point at five months. These meeting should be recorded and the notes are held on the employees file. Within 12 hebdomads of the successful campaigners start day of the month director of the new appointees must finish a written statement of footings and status of employment. The new employees and the line director should retain a transcript while a farther transcript shall be sent to the human resources Department, along with a transcript of the occupation description, the individual specifications and campaigners application signifier ( SVP, 2013 ) The most indispensable accomplishment for a dark undertaking worker is the experience of working with vulnerable grownups on a one-to-one footing. It is ideal as a cardinal worker, to hold the relevant professional makings or similar preparation, and have a good working cognition of back uping a scope of vulnerable grownups from diverse backgrounds ( Appendix 2 ) . It is an advantage besides his to hold the experience and good working cognition of supported lodging rules and best pattern in lodging direction e.g. public assistance benefits and Supporting Peoples certification. The back uping people programmes ( SP ) provide support through the lodging benefit system are aimed to back up for people to populate independently ( Homeless, 2012 ) . In my undertaking, St Vincent de Paul ( SVP ) Ozanam House, there is a formal agreement which enables each member of staff to discourse their work on a regular basis with another more experient member of staff. At SVP, the undertaking it intends to put out the values and rules and policies underpinning the administration to staff supervising to place a solution to jobs, better pattern and addition and apprehension of work related issues. It is besides indispensable to hold good verbal and written accomplishments and to be able to do competent instance notes ( Appendix 2 ) . To advance quality attention working with immature people enables employees to authorise the client group and assist them to develop the accomplishments and assurance to look after them or to do informed picks ( Pritchard, 2000 ) . All supervising pattern in the inn have three nucleus maps and the purposes are to supply support to staff in the workplace, provide professional and personal development and promote quality attention. The undermentioned guidelines should be followed to all staff to hold one formal supervising session at least one hr continuance every two months. Supervision clip should be planned and held in private and shall be wholly confidential. Harmonizing to Kadushin ( 1992 ) province the maps theoretical account of supervising as the treble instruction, disposal and support theoretical account besides works for non-managerial supervising. Kadushin s model oversee the plants of supervising in administrative is to guarantee attachment to policy and process. This model explains in supportive supervising the primary job is worker morale and occupation satisfaction. Staffs are seen as a assortment of job-related emphasiss which, unless they have help to cover could s impact their work. The three e lements overlapped because they flow one into another, to take one component it becomes less effectual on the jobs in educational supervising are worker ignorance in sing the cognition, attitude and accomplishments required to make the occupation ( Pritchard, 2000 ) . Puting aims with assessment are SMART Particular, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and Timed. Specific marks can be used in assessment or supervising is aimed to measure on the marks outcomes whether it is working or non is ongoing with certification required. Appraiser is prepared for a sometimes a hard meeting is to be trade with this instantly and to guarantee the appraise are reassured and the relationship is maintained ( T able 2 ) . Table 1 Supervision Harmonizing to Thompson, ( 1994 ) on brooding pattern is the NAOMIE ( Needs, Aims, Methodology Objectives, Implementation and Evaluation ) is a pattern theoretical account for planning, monitoring and measuring young person work. This system identifies the barriers in anti-discriminatory pattern on working together on issues of inequality, favoritism and subjugation. Harmonizing to Sch A ; ouml ; n s work ( 1983 ) on brooding pattern are the relationship between professional cognition and acquisition. This has given the event of managerialism on the marks of public presentation are indexs on equality, diverseness and authorization ( Thompson, 2007 ) . Supervision clip should be taken while on responsibility, but at a clip that is convenient to all the staff that are on responsibility. Many directors like to do notes during supervising but all note taking points should be agreed between supervisor and employee beforehand. It is of import for staff in this context to hold good interpe rsonal accomplishments, including and being an empathic and good hearer able to discourse hard subjects in a sensitive manner ( Appendix 3 ) . Supervision and assessment of the procedure which offer support develop the cognition and accomplishments and values of single. The intent is to assist staff to better the quality of work on what they making and accomplish agreed aims and results. These systems are put in topographic point for all staff within a scene this includes all lasting, impermanent, full-time or parttime staffs. Appraisal is a procedure and consistently recorded appraisal for the staff public presentation and development demands. The purpose of an assessment system helps the staff member to organize an nonsubjective position of their past public presentation every bit good as encourage better public presentation for the hereafter ( East Sussex, 2013 ) . Appraisal is a procedure and consistently recorded appraisal for the staff public presentation and development demands. The purpose of an assessment system helps the staff member to organize an nonsubjective position of their past public presentation every bit good as to be encouraging better public presentation for the hereafter. This portion of the procedure is address in a professional mode to let giving their positions to hold on accomplishable marks in which the work can better ( infed, 2011 ) . This system provides a opportunity to speak about the person s public presentation every bit good as wider internal and external affairs and a good chance to measure staff motive degrees. For illustration, through the meetings the supervisor identifies may see marks of neglecting involvements or deficiency of enthusiasm from the occupation. This is a two manner meeting helps a supervisor and chance to reexamine their on the job pattern every bit good as feedback. Appraisal meeting are he ld at least one time a twelvemonth and it is of import that the assessment programs beforehand familiarise with the administration policy on preparation. This ensures they can hold on what they need to seek farther. Any issues raised joined the formal assessment shall be followed up and monitored during more regular meetings. The meeting shall be conducted in a familiar topographic point where they feel comfy traveling their working hours. The country should be quiet off from other staff and distractions ( infed, 2011 ) . The assessment should see the undermentioned things before the meeting such as accomplishments and countries for betterment during last meeting, read through the supervising notes throughout the twelvemonth, look into the identified development demands for the valuator and garner other people s feedback ( Appendix 4 ) . Harmonizing to Heron s work ( 1990 ) is a model which can help supervisors in going aware of the different intercession their usage. These six types of intercessions merely have intending if they are rooted in attention and concern for the single supervisee. The effectual supervisor does non deny his or her power and authorization but utilize it to guarantee that the supervisees that he or she is clear about what is needed and how they are run intoing or non run intoing these demands together. This theoretical account identifies six primary classs or manner of assisting intercession and they are Perceptive, Informative, Confronting, Catalytic, Cathartic and supportive. In supervising enable and authorise the staff to take decision-making. For illustration, a supervisor meets staff for supervising. The supervisor is normally the facilitator and uses a catalytic manner of assisting the staff. However the supervisor is presently concern that the staff may be doing unfamiliar determinati ons provide some information and attempts to assist to understand the issue and hope to alter the program. Covey ( 1999 ) concludes that a confronting manner is now appropriate and to accomplish a better result for the staff to put up another meeting and fix on what to state and asked to face the issue ( Table 2 ) . Authoritative Prescriptive Give advice and counsel State the other individual how they should act State them what to make Enlightening Give you view and experience Explain the background and rules Help the other individual get a better apprehension Confronting Challenge the other individual s thought Play back precisely what the individual has said or done State them what you think is keeping them back Help them avoid doing the same error once more Facilitative Cathartic Help the other individual express their feelings or frights Sympathize with them Catalytic Ask inquiries to promote fresh thought Promote the other individual to bring forth new options and solutions Listen and sum up, and listen some more Supportive State the other individual you value them ( their part, good purpose or accomplishments ) Praise them Show them they have your support and committedness Decision: In decision, there are some impacts on my work which are involved in support, supervising and staff development. In my professional pattern, 1s demands to foremost be able to pull off for themselves. What was the impact for me is a supervising procedure it empowers me to develop my accomplishments, development and assurance to actuate me in a occupation. What impacts me more is the assessment because it s identifies my strengths and failings in my occupation place as a support worker encourages both the administration an chance to supply more preparation and to mind of up-to-date policies makes you experience that you are portion of the squad and you are presenting a service. In footings of theories used I can recognize the NAMOI theoretical account is now going clear to me has helped me identified theories and turn to it more in pattern. Using Hero s theoretical account is use and I can place this in supervising when the marks are non met. At is indispensable to hold confidentiality because all notes are kept firmly and the boundaries in supervising session is good formal helps me to reflect on the what I have learnt, to prosecute more and critically measure more that I have underpinning cognition of theoreticians and other patterns. The assessment should see the undermentioned things before the meeting such as accomplishments and countries for betterment during last meeting, read through the supervising notes throughout the twelvemonth, have look into the identified development demands for the valuator and garner other people s feedback. Have the assurance to incorporate the theory and pattern and to demo that reexamining the pattern in theory anti-oppressive pattern is embedded The theoreticians theoretical accounts are most related to pattern in my function as lodging support worker are those of Kadushin theoretical account of supervising, and Thompson because it helps me concentrate on the marks and public presentation indexs on equality, diverseness and authorization. Using Kadushin s model of supervising is a utile tool oversees the work of supervising in an administrative, supportive ( 1992 ) province the maps theoretical account of supervising as the treble instruction, disposal and support theoretical account besides works for non-managerial supervising. Kadushin s model oversee the plants of supervising in administrative, supportive and educational attack is in line with a policy construction. However it can overlap with these elements identifies the work loads all marks to accomplish and without one component it become less effectual to make the occupation. So holding these policies and processs it is of import to protect the administration, staff to work together and besides high spots believes policies. Having these policies and processs it is of import to protect both staff and the administration to be supervised in their work which has been highlighted for pull offing staff in support and public presentation. Appraisal is a recorded in appraisal for staff public presentation and development demands helps the staff member to organize an nonsubjective position of their past public presentation every bit good as encourage better public presentation in the hereafter. This system provides a opportunity to discourse their marks and public presentation of ways to better. This procedure is like an exercising that identifies some concerns that need to be addressed one time a month is dealt in a formal attack is clip for the staff to turn to their demands. This is besides an chance to measure staff motive degrees within the administration and for the hereafter. The assessment is a procedure that considers the undermentioned things before run intoing such as accomplishment and it was for betterment during the last meeting. Reading through the supervising notes throughout the twelvemonth and looking at the identified development demands for the assessment to garner other people s feedback. It is of i mport to incorporate the theory and pattern and to demo that reexamining the pattern in theory anti-oppressive pattern is embedded. My larning about supervising since analyzing this faculty in managing has been positive for me because it shows the assurance to place my strengths and failing within the workplace and besides to turn to these issues to my supervisor before issues are raised to accomplishing best public presentation in supervising.
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