Saturday, November 23, 2019
Spanish Expressions Using the Verb Estar
Spanish Expressions Using the Verb Estar As one of the verbs meaning to be, estar is used constantly in Spanish to refer to peoples emotions as well as the status of things and persons. Although there are many times estar isnt translated as to be, usually its use is straightforward for English speakers. Estar also finds its way into numerous idiomatic expressions whose meaning may not be obvious at first. Following are some of the most common and/or useful of them, along with sample sentences taken from contemporary writing. Appropriate translations can vary, depending on the context. Spanish Expressions Using Estar dà ³nde estamos (an expression of amazement or disgust at what is being witnessed).  ¿Dà ³nde estamos?  ¡No lo puedo creer! Whats going on here? I cant believe it! estar a gusto (to be comfortable). Estoy a gusto en mi trabajo. I am comfortable with my job. estar al caer (to be on the verge of arriving). El Nexus 5 est al caer, y podrà a costar 399 dà ³lares. The Nexus 5 is almost here, and it could cost $399. estar al loro (to be on top of things). Puedes hablar de todo, porque ests al loro de lo que sucede diariamente. You can talk about everything, because youre on top of everything that happens daily. estar a oscuras (to be ignorant or in the dark). Estoy a oscuras en estos temas. I am in the dark about these subjects. estar a punto de (to be on the verge of). Estaba a punto de llamarte. I was just about to call you. estar al corriente (to be up to date or current). No estoy al corriente en mis pagos. Im not up to date with my payments. estar al dà a (to be informed). Quiero estar al dà a con todo lo que pueda con mi bebà ©. I want to know about everything that can happen with my baby. estar al là mite (to be at ones limit in patience). En estos momentos estoy al là mite, y me hace daà ±o ver como mi novio se autodestruye. These days I am at my limit, and it pains me to see how my boyfriend is self-destructing. estar de buen nimo (to be in a good mood). Mariano explicà ³ que ayer su padre estuvo de buen nimo. Mariano explained that yesterday his father was in a good mood. estar de ms (to be excessive). La seguridad nunca est de ms durante la presencia del presidente. There is never too much security during the presence of the president. estar mal de (un à ³rgano del cuerpo) (to have a bad body part). Roger estaba mal de la espalda y no podà a jugar con toda su capacidad. Roger had a bad back and couldnt play to full capacity. estar por ver (to remain to be seen). Y est por ver la respuesta del Gobierno de Espaà ±a. The response of the Spanish government remains to be seen. estar sin un cobre, estar sin un duro (to be broke). Recuerdo una à ©poca que yo estaba sin un duro. I remember a time when I was flat broke. estar visto (to be obvious). Estaba visto que no era particularmente una buena opcià ³n. It was obvious that it wasnt particularly a good option. llegar a estar (to become).  ¿Cà ³mo llegaste a estar delgada tan rpido? How did you become thin so quickly? Sources: Sample sentences have been adapted from online sources that include, Carlos Soriano Gà ³mez,, Foro de Ayuda Psicolà ³gica, Correo del Orinoco,,,, ElDà, BioBioChile, D. Vzquez Molini and
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