Wednesday, August 26, 2020
3. How does Japanese consumer behavior differ from Essays
3. How does Japanese customer conduct vary from Essays 3. How does Japanese customer conduct vary from western purchaser conduct? Japanese customers have various inclinations for merchandise, distinctive demeanor about things they need from retailer than their American partners. In contrast to Americans, Japanese customers don't put a sole determinant of significant worth on cost. The physical nearness and bundling of the item is similarly as significant as the real item itself. Likewise, Japanese shoppers have an extravagant taste, however they need to set aside cash, yet are demanding about quality, they avoid modest merchandise and second rate items. Base working on this issue, shopping is spread during the time in Japan and is done on bike or by foot, instead of vehicle. Walmart didn't give a print form of their arrangements before going out on the town to shop in their every day paper called chirashi, Housewives like to contrast costs earlier with going out to shop, and without that choice, housewives got befuddled and disappointed and went somewhere else. 4. Could private brands be internationalized? Another significant arm of Walmart's Japan technique is the forceful presentation of private brands. Walmart is well known for select store marks in the US that are cheap and seen as a decent incentive by US shoppers. The ongoing financial downturn has given further stimulus to Japanese retailers to speed the presentation of private brands about 70% of Japanese retailers and 90% of Japanese grocery stores currently stock private brands. Walmart has been revamping Seiyu in to their own picture continuously and receiving fundamentally unexpected procedures in comparison to their rivals Remodeled stores to be American Walmarts and is not yet clear if Japanese buyers will be pulled in to them. At long last, grasped the Chirashi (paper flyers) and trusting that Regular low costs stayed in Seiyu reported that it would respect the Chirashi of its rivals as well.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Founding Fathers Of Sociology
Human science can be characterized as the logical investigation of society and human conduct. It attempts to gain information about society, and about how the people making up these social orders collaborate with one another. Auguste Comte was the main genuine dad of humanism. He was the individual who authored the term â€Å"sociology†. Other humanist who can likewise be known as the establishing fathers of humanism incorporate Weber, Marx, Engels and Durkheim. In this article I will be taking a gander at where these sociologists originated from and the hypotheses they came up with.Auguste Comte was a French social scholar and was the main individual who authored the term â€Å"sociology†. He needed to build up a study of society as another order. He displayed sociological investigation around characteristic science and needed to find the laws of society. He planned to consider society through Social statics, which is the investigation of request and steadiness and Soc ial elements, which is the investigation of social change. He needs to address the subject of how one designs for change. One should consider ahead of time where you need to go and how to arrive from here.One ought to be future situated and objective arranged, accomplishing objectives by ideal methods. Social arranging is intended to improve social working by either changing the basic relations among individuals or offering a substantial help than empowers a person to adapt to or defeat a social issue. It is important to design so as to diminish vulnerability and improve responsibility. It likewise builds the potential for support. Comte says that the procedure of progress includes three phases; The future state, where the change has occurred.The present express, this is the place we are according to where we need to get to and it is the time of arranging and starting the ideal change. The last stage is the change state, and poses the inquiry of how we get from where we are to where we need to be. Comte’s thought for sociological examination depended on the idea that social orders advance through three scholarly stages. These are the Theological stage, which includes the confidence in the extraordinary, the otherworldly stage, which is the progress stage and the positivistic stage which includes logical thinking.After the third stage is reached, genuine comprehension of the working of society gets conceivable. Social issue, for example, wrongdoing would be lessened and in the long run stop when society’s gear-teeth and wheels are built up. Another establishing father of human science is Max Weber. He was a German humanist. His focal spotlight was on the procedure of defense. He has a white collar class protestant foundation. He characterized human science as the logical investigation of human activity. Social activity is human direct situated toward others and dependent on social significance given to that conduct.It includes other people and dep ends on goals and thoughts of people. It must comprehend the emotional importance behind people’s activities and this makes human science in a general sense unique in relation to regular sciences. Weber calls such comprehension â€Å"verstehen†, which is the investigator’s endeavor to comprehend human activity by review the reason for the activity through the actor’s eyes as opposed to his own. The hypothesis got known as Interactionism. Weber centers around social activities of people and says that society can't think or act, just people can.There is a restriction to positivism. The topic of humanism is one of a kind and it can't be concentrated with standards/techniques for characteristic sciences. It requires verstehen. Another establishing father is Karl Marx. He was conceived on May 5, 1818 in the German city of Trier. His family was Jewish, yet he later changed over to Protestantism in 1824 so as to evade hostile to Semitic laws and oppression. Marx had to go to London in 1849, however he didn't work alone. He had help of Friedrich Engels who had on his own built up a fundamentally the same as hypothesis of financial determinism.Although the thoughts later obtained the term â€Å"Marxism†, it should consistently be recalled that Marx didn't concoct them completely all alone. Engels was likewise significant for Marx from a monetary perspective. Neediness weighed vigorously on Marx and his family. Karl Marx centers around strife and imbalance. Strife is an unavoidable truth in the public arena. There is struggle between different social gatherings got from an irreconcilable circumstance which brings imbalance. Force and assets are unevenly appropriated in the public eye. Such disparity is kept up by exposed compulsion or control of standards and qualities. Marx was keen on a specific sort of conflict.This was class strife or struggle between classes. He says, â€Å" The historical backdrop of all up to this point existin g society is the historical backdrop of class struggle†. Creation is a key idea in Marxism. It is the creation of material products and ventures in the public arena and is the most significant human action. Creation is completed with regards to participation between people. Out of gainful action, individuals sort out themselves, build up relations with one another and structure a general public. Subsequently change through improves innovation of creation likewise suggests an adjustment in social relations.Processes of creation have offered ascend to disparity between individuals since creation has been completed by methods for abuse of most of the populace by a couple. Classes are social units dependent on their connection to the methods for creation. The methods used to deliver products and enterprises model: land, processing plants, instruments, apparatus, crude materials and so on. The predominant class are the minority who own methods for creation and the subordinate class are the lion's share who don’t. Creation is completed by abuse of one class by the other and this prompts class conflict.Bourgeoisie versus Proletariat. All social orders experience organizes in history and are bound to arrive at the socialist stage. The socialist mode just did not depend on class misuse. Socialism acknowledges raunchy society where nobody rules each other. Marx’s polarity of society. Society is partitioned into two levels: The base/foundation (financial) and the superstructure (non-monetary circle). As indicated by Marx the superstructure assumes noteworthy job in the public eye. Model: the state. Normal view: The state is impartial foundation speaking to the enthusiasm everything being equal and society as a whole.Marx’s see: the official of the cutting edge state is nevertheless a board of trustees for dealing with the basic issues of the entire â€Å"bourgeoisie†(the proprietors of creation). Model: The state. The enthusiasm of the state correspond with those of the predominant class. Devices of the state are utilized to secure capitalists’ interests against worker’s defiance. There is an appear differently in relation to Durkheim. Durkheim says that standards and estimations of society produce social incorporation and congruity (social solidarity). Marx says that these standards and qualities are belief systems which smother people’s restriction and opposition (which may look like concordance or accord to Durkheim). Establishing Fathers of Sociology Human science can be characterized as the logical investigation of society and human conduct. It attempts to secure information about society, and about how the people making up these social orders collaborate with one another. Auguste Comte was the main genuine dad of human science. He was the individual who begat the term â€Å"sociology†. Other humanist who can likewise be known as the establishing fathers of human science incorporate Weber, Marx, Engels and Durkheim. In this exposition I will be taking a gander at where these sociologists originated from and the hypotheses they came up with.Auguste Comte was a French social scholar and was the main individual who authored the term â€Å"sociology†. He needed to build up a study of society as another control. He demonstrated sociological investigation around characteristic science and needed to find the laws of society. He meant to consider society through Social statics, which is the investigation of request and sou ndness and Social elements, which is the investigation of social change. He needs to respond to the topic of how one designs for change. One should consider ahead of time where you need to go and how to arrive from here.One ought to be future situated and objective arranged, accomplishing objectives by ideal methods. Social arranging is intended to upgrade social working by either changing the auxiliary relations among individuals or offering a substantial help than empowers a person to adapt to or beat a social issue. It is important to design so as to lessen vulnerability and improve responsibility. It additionally builds the potential for support. Comte says that the procedure of progress includes three phases; The future state, where the change has occurred.The present express, this is the place we are corresponding to where we need to get to and it is the time of arranging and starting the ideal change. The last stage is the change state, and poses the inquiry of how we get fro m where we are to where we need to be. Comte’s thought for sociological investigation depended on the idea that social orders advance through three scholarly stages. These are the Theological stage, which includes the confidence in the otherworldly, the magical stage, which is the change stage and the positivistic stage which includes logical thinking.After the third stage is reached, genuine comprehension of the working of society gets conceivable. Social issue, for example, wrongdoing would be decreased and in the long run stop when society’s gear-teeth and wheels are built up. Another establishing father of human science is Max Weber. He was a German humanist. His focal spotlight was on the procedure of legitimization. He has a working class protestant foundation. He characterized social science as the logical investigation of human activity. Social activity is human direct arranged toward others and dependent on social significance given to that conduct.It includes other people and depends on expectations and I
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
All the Books! Podcast, Episode #24 New Releases for Oct. 20, 2015
All the Books! Podcast, Episode #24 New Releases for Oct. 20, 2015 This week, Liberty and Rebecca discuss The Mark and the Void, Lafayette in the Somewhat United States, Speed Kings, and more new releases. This episode was sponsored by the movie Room and FabFitFun. Subscribe to All the Books! using RSS or iTunes and never miss a beat book. Sign up for the weekly New Books! newsletter for even more new book news. Books discussed on the show: Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sarah Vowell The Mark and the Void by Paul Murray Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin You Dont Have to Like Me: Essays on Growing Up, Speaking Out, and Finding Feminism by Alida Nugent Speed Kings: The 1932 Winter Olympics and the Fastest Men in the World by Andy Bull The Birth of the Pill: How Four Crusaders Reinvented Sex and Launched a Revolution by Jonathan Eig Departure by A. G. Riddle Click: When We Knew We Were Feminists by J. Courtney Sullivan and Courtney E. Martin Pat the Bunny (Touch and Feel Book) by Dorothy Kunhardt What were reading: The Collected Fiction of Leena Krohn (out in December from Cheeky Frawg Books) Gotham Academy, Survivors Club More books out this week: Home is Burning by Dan Marshall Golden Age by Jane Smiley Plotted: A Literary Atlas by Andrew DeGraff Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family by Amy Ellis Nutt Uncivil Rites: Palestine and the Limits of Academic Freedom by Steven Salaita The Unfortunate Decisions of Dahlia Moss by Max Wirestone Gilliamesque: A Pre-posthumous Memoir by Terry Gilliam Rails Under My Back by Jeffery Renard Allen Envy of Angels by Matt Wallace The Explorers Guild: Volume One: A Passage to Shambhala by Kevin Costner (Author), Jon Baird (Author), Rick Ross (Illustrator) If Youre Lucky by Yvonne Prinz The League of Unexceptional Children by Gitty Daneshvari The Hours Count by Jillian Cantor Gorsky by Vesna Goldsworthy Velvet Undercover by Teri Brown We Were Brothers by Barry Moser Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor Witches of America Alex Mar Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith The Lake House by Kate Morton Lum by Libby Ware Smoke by Catherine McKenzie Heart and Brain: An Awkward Yeti Collection by The Awkward Yeti If the Raindrops United: Drawings and Cartoons by Judah Friedlander Submission by Michel Houellebecq A Strangeness in My Mind by Orhan Pamuk Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff Radiance by Catherynne Valente Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What Shes Learned by Lena Dunham (paperback)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The State of Wyoming and Energy Resources - 727 Words
The State of Wyoming has been described as one of most prolific states as far as energy resources are concerned. Please provide your take on this states resources and how they are being utilized. Does the state have a plan on how to curtail pollution in the long-run? Wyoming accounts for a major percentage of coal mined all over the United States. Wyomings Powder River Basin holds the eight largest coal mines of the United States. Wyoming obtains more than 90% of the state’sdomestic coal from Wyoming. The state is also good in the production of natural gas. Due to the excess usage of fuels, the people of the state are facing issues such as watery eyes, breath shortnessand bleeding noses due to the rise in the ozone levels.The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality warned the people with respiratory symptoms to avoid extended outdoor activities (Reynolds, 2013). In order to overcome the problems associated with the use of resources that causes pollution,the state should employ renewable sources of energy. Wyoming has abundant renewable energy resources. 47 percent of the total energy used in the United States can be obtained from Wyoming alone (Reynolds, 2013).The state adheres to the federal standards for air pollutants that are hazardous to health.The Department of Environmental Quality of Wyoming monitors the air resources by conducting inspections to keep the atmosphere clean. There are two types of minerals that we find in Earth - rock-forming and ore minerals.Show MoreRelatedWestern Ecosystems Technology Vs. Greenhunter Wind Energy1389 Words  | 6 PagesEcosystems Technology v. GreenHunter Wind Energy LCC. GreenHunter Resources, Inc. is a publicly-traded company from Delaware that focuses on water management solutions for oil and gas operations in the Eagle Ford, Marcellus and Bakken shale basins. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Risk Management And Boundaries Case Study - 1256 Words
Risk Management and Boundaries case study Name: Delsie Henry Course: School: Kaplan University Date: October 3, 2017 Risk management and Boundaries. The context to which human services are delivered is totally different in today’s world. We observe that there are so many different methods of communication that can occur between human services professional and clients. First there was the writing letters, phone calls or direct face to face communication would have been as the main methods of communicating. In the modern world there are many new methods which stem from the fact that smartphones are so much more prevalent today and the rise and further rise of social media has added. This has made the delivery of human services much more†¦show more content†¦According to Badeau, no kid should grow out of foster care alone. In life, challenges are always inevitable but this does not mean life is not worth living. Risk management skills are essential to every human being to handle challenges and move forward. Most scholars in human services studies argue that risk management techniques are essential to every person and people should be able to implement them in their daily lives. One of the fundamental techniques in risk management is risk assessment. This involves identifying the possible risk this technique has been broadly applied in all disciplines to help prevent harm. In the case provided, one problem Mr. X did was not to take time and assess the situation. The fact that Mr. Y is going a transition from moving from foster home to independent life is a challenge. Initially, Mr. Y was dependent on someone and now has to be independent and make independent decisions. This needs orientation. Mr. X clearly did not take time to assess the situation at hand. Assessing a risk is always a safety practice since it could have placed Mr. X in a better situation to identify possible challenges that could have been expected and take measures to prevent them. According to this case, Mr. Y has been under foster care and he is just about to Get out of the program. First, some reasons as to why people undergo foster careShow MoreRelatedHealthcare s Application Of Petronio s Communication Privacy Management Theory944 Words  | 4 PagesHealthcare’s Application of Petronio’s Communication Privacy Management Theory Communication privacy management theory (CPM) developed by Sandra Petronio in 1991, is a theory about how people make decisions regarding how they reveal and/or conceal their private information. CPM functions on the premise that individuals maintain and manage privacy boundaries in their interpersonal communications depending on the perceived weight of ones benefit and cost of disclosure (Bridge Schrodt, 2013). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Enjoying Your Car and Saving Money Free Essays
Cars tend to break down at the worst possible times. Sometimes they will break when you are on your way to an important meeting or when you are running low on money. This gets very frustrating and the older your car gets or the worse you take care of it, the more often this will happen. We will write a custom essay sample on Enjoying Your Car and Saving Money or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is however a fairly easy solution to this. If you learn the basics of how a car works and what kind of care it needs then you can keep it in better shape and keep money in your pockets. The first thing you should learn about is changing the oil. This is one of the simplest preventative maintenance tasks you can perform on your car. It is also an extremely important one. A basic oil changes start around $40 assuming you go to a repair shop or service center such as Meineke or Jiffy Lube, instead of a dealership. This will only cover the cheaper oil and filter, along with a visual inspection of critical parts. You can do this at home for around $20 and about 2 hours of your time but with much better results. You can get higher quality oil and filters, which will help extend the life of your vehicle, and the longer you keep a vehicle the more money you save by not having to buy a new car. Also, while you are changing your own oil, you can check the other critical systems in your vehicle. If you take the extra time to really check these systems instead of just glancing at them, like they would at the service centers, you will have a much better idea of how worn out the parts are getting. If you know how much wear and tear is on your parts you will know when to replace them and when they can wait to be replaced. These systems include brake pads and rotors; fluid levels, such as power steering, transmission, brakes, and coolant; and your tires. Another thing you can do to your car is a tune up. Regular tune ups will help your car get better miles per gallon. This will you save money at the pump and help avoid breaking down on the road. Things to replace during a tune up would be spark plugs, spark plug wires, air filters, and engine belts. You should also check your service manual and see when they recommend getting services performed on your car. If you are close or over that mileage, you should check those parts. I would recommend that you know what common problems occur on your car as well, so you can be aware of signs of a problem or at least be prepared for that happening to your car. When fixing anything on your car I find it is extremely helpful to have a repair manual to reference in case you need a little extra guidance or do not know if something needs to be replaced. They run about $15 at your local auto parts store, and will tell you the correct way to fix almost anything on your car. Having a professional manual will save you lot of time by making sure it is done correctly the first time. These are just some of the basics that you can do to your car. Once you get comfortable doing work on your car you will be able to tackle bigger projects, like major damage, or adding something custom to your car. A quick search online will help you find tons of information on car repairs, from the basics all the way to crazy custom engine swaps. For most common cars there are online forums where people from all over the world come to talk about specific cars. These are always full of tons of information about that specific car. You can post up a question and members of the forums are always happy to help fellow car enthusiasts. Once you start working on your car and see firsthand how simple it is to do most car repairs in your driveway you will wonder why you ever paid someone else to do it for you. How to cite Enjoying Your Car and Saving Money, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Ethical Analysis for Principles of Artificial Intelligence
Question: Discuss about theEthical Analysis for Principles of Artificial Intelligence. Answer: The ethical question linked to Artificial Intelligence is how privacy co-exists with powered sensors of artificial intelligence. The question that arises is how privacy has a chance of getting compromised in cases of dealing with artificial intelligence. The central concept of ethical question is that privacy can be jeopardized in cases of artificial intelligence and that when large data is used, they need to be protected and preserved and that is the central theme of the ethical question. The virtues that is relevant in the present context are- ingenuity, precision and emotion neutrality (Russel and Norvig 2016). Ingenuity is an important aspect of creating something new. The idea behind artificial intelligence is an innovative mind which is genuine and has not been applied anywhere. Another virtue is precision which is why artificial intelligence like robotics is essential because proper and accurate data analysis is imperative in such cases. To carry out the mundane tasks, emotion is an impediment. Robotics is directly related to minimising human emotions (Nilsson 2014). Carrying out skilful task is the act central to the ethical question. As long as skill is applied in artificial intelligence, there shall be unstoppable growth in the area of robotics. The morality attached to skill is that there shall be development and growth and a high rise in accuracy (Cohen and Feigenbaum 2014). The acumen required to carry out any skilful task is the morality central to the ethical question. In understanding skill and acumen, it is important to know that ingenuity, precision and emotional neutrality is a pre-requisite in having a better understanding of the ethical question. Kants categorical imperative- The Kants theory of categorical imperative is derived from the deontological moral theory, which says that any right or wrong is not dependent on the consequences or the end result but on whether the action fulfils our moral duty or not (Kant 2017). This is also called the Kants theory of ethics. He believed in a supreme theory of morality and was guided by the principles of right and wrong. The specific rule attached to the ethical question is whether privacy is a supreme moral element or not. The important fact to check is whether morality can be understood independently or in connection with the preservation of privacy. The general rule applicable to the ethical question is whether privacy should be protected and if yes, is the infringement of privacy similar to moral breach? The general rule is whether privacy breach tantamount to breach of moral decree. Data protection is an inherent and important task in relation to artificial intelligence and therefore, in considering whether privacy should be considered an element of supreme morality, it is important to know that privacy breach is a resultant of failure to protect data. This questions the fundamental ethical question and therefore, the general rule does not contradict the ethical question and cannot be said to be self contradictory (Kant 2016). The practical imperative is an absolute moral high ground taken by Kant to say that the consequences do not matter and that emphasis has to be placed on the duties of men carrying the activity. In this case, the general rule does not violate any of Kants absolute stands on morality because the central theme of the ethic question is privacy and breach of privacy will result in a failure of rightness. The general rule validates the central purpose in preserving morality and privacy and therefore cannot be said to be violating the fundamental purpose. Artificial intelligence is considered to be a way of reducing human work load and being devoid of human emotions. The ethical system of Kant emphasises on morality and right and wrong and therefore to understand the ethical system in the light of artificial intelligence, it cannot be said to be contradictory to morality. d) The Utilitarian model tries to ensure maximum happiness and also believes in the concept of making good to the maximum number of people. Applying the concept of utilitarianism and Kants theory of categorical imperative, it is easy to assess that morality and welfare of the society is of primary concern and that if morality is given importance, the welfare associated with it shall also be given primacy (de-Lazari and Singer 2017). By assessing the morality of the issue of privacy, it is essential to understand that in the light of rising technology and data enhancement, it is difficult to ascertain whether the privacy shall suffer at the hands of the innovators or will it be given a new definition and more attention will be given in preserving privacy. As a result of increase in technology and internet and innovation, there is a huge risk related to data breach. While combining the principles of the utility (Mulgan 2014) Model and the Kants theory of categorical imperative, it is prudent to see that privacy needs to be protected at every cost and that in doing so, it is also necessary that innovation and technology are made to flourish (Ryan 2015). There are two competing interests attached here. On one side there is the threat of privacy and on the other, there is fear of privacy breach and therefore, in trying to bridge the gap, the importance has to be attached to the better of technology and happiness of the maximum number. This can be achieved with the help of understanding the moral implications of every action and then making the judgment based on those findings. References Cohen, P.R. and Feigenbaum, E.A. eds., 2014.The handbook of artificial intelligence(Vol. 3). Butterworth-Heinemann. de Lazari-Radek, K. and Singer, P., 2017.Utilitarianism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. Kant, I., 2016. F OR KANT, ETHICS can be defined as the system of the ends of the pure practical reason. The two parts of moral philosophy are distinguished as treating respectively of ends and of duties of constraint. Kant holds that since humans are free (moral) beings, duty is self-constraint. It is because of this that it is possible to combine con-straint with the freedom of the elective will.Journey Into Philosophy: An Introduction with Classic and Contemporary Readings, p.432. Kant, I., 2017.Kant: The metaphysics of morals. Cambridge University Press. Mulgan, T., 2014.Understanding utilitarianism. Routledge. Nilsson, N.J., 2014.Principles of artificial intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann. Russell, S.J. and Norvig, P., 2016.Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. Malaysia; Pearson Education Limited,. Ryan, A., 2015. 16. Utilitarianism and Bureaucracy: The Views of JS Mill.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
The Evolution Of The World Essays - Pseudoscience,
The evolution of the world Ancient History The evolution of the world The Greek geographers of the later Roman period developed systematic calculations for the mapping and shaping of the earth. However, what would come to replace these systematic calculations? Why were the ideologies of a flat earth accepted and why were those of a spherical earth ridiculed? The answer to this question is very simple and can be answered by one clear and concise word: Religion. "Thus saith the Lord God; This is Jerusalem: I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her." (Ezekiel 5:5) This verse from the of book Ezekiel simply states that the city of Jerusalem should be in the center of all maps created. This eliminated the need for any latitude or longitude. Before hand, there had been more than six hundred maps created, not one having this holy city as the center. There was nothing new about putting "the most sacred place at the center" says Boorstin. The Hindus placed Mount Meru, a mythological 70,000 foot high mountain at the center of their map. In the Muslim faith, the Ka'bah in Mecca was the highest point on earth and the polestar showed the city of Mecca to be opposite the center of the sky. As one can clearly see, many maps, had different centers. Each map had a different center, each based on a different religion. Many years before the birth of Jesus Christ, the Greeks theorized that the earth was a globe. But after that, there was a period in history called "The Great Interruption." This period was categorized by a complete silence where people in general, forgot about the issue of whether the earth was flat or whether it was a globe. Another reason that brought the theories of a globular world to rest was because the priests told the general public that the earth was flat. Priests such as St. Augustine and others invented the Antipode theory, which stated that a world shaped like a globe is impossible because objects would be hanging downwards and growing backwards. Once again, religion played a major part in this argument that would rage on for many years to come. To conclude, much like the theories of the priests in the first 400 years after the birth of Jesus Christ, who said that Jerusalem was the center of a flat earth, one might be able to relate this period in time to a much more recent and modern one. Prior to the French Revolution in 1789, France was ruled by an absolute divine right monarchy. The institution that had the most power at the time was the Catholic church. No one in France would ever dare question the word of the Church. Everything the Church said had to be true and that was that. This is further reinforced by the church's persecution of Copernicus who later again theorized that the earth was not the center of the solar system. This illustrates that 1000 years later, religion remained the backbone of society, and to a lesser extent, the same still holds true today in certain societies.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Cost Allocation in US Army
Cost Allocation in US Army Introduction Cost allocation refers to assigning a cost that is standard to various cost objects. For example, if a company has one electric or water meter, it may apportion the cost of the electricity or water to various departments that use electricity. Allocation is arbitrary in nature whereby the kind of allocation done is on the basis of estimates.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Cost Allocation in US Army specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More US Army Corp The main reason why cost allocation is done from a federal point of view is to ensure that the cost of running projects is distributed equitably. US Army Corp of engineers always worries about cost allocation because it helps them know the magnate of project costs that is reimbursable. Again, cost allocation is important especially for future allocations to ensure that actual allocation is done as opposed to estimates (US Army Corps of Engineers, 2010). Cost alloca tion also ensures that the kind of costs apportioned for a given project is in line with financial plan outlined. Even though the US Army Corp is a part of the federal government, cost allocation remains important as it ensures that all projects are catered for. City of Seattle When cost allocation is being done, there are some factors that are usually put into consideration and are known as drivers. I do agree with the method that has been used in cost allocation. By so doing, it ensures that every aspect in every department is well catered for (Cityofseattle, 2010).This kind of cost allocation addresses every activity that goes on and therefore helps to ensure that no part is left out. The reason for choosing these drivers was to ensure that it is all inclusive. Although these drivers may seem numerous and hence the need to combine them and have a blanket and uniform way of allocating funds, this method is preferable because it ensures that nothing is left to doubt. The uniform or blanket method of cost allocation may sometimes lead to lack of sufficient funds to run some of the project. However, when cost allocation is done in this manner, then there is a very slim chance that any essential project will be left unattended. Although cost allocation is mainly done in manufacturing companies, it is also important for cost allocation to be done in the government since the government has equally several sectors and departments each of which is charged with different activities. By so doing, it helps each department to function more effectively. U.S Department of Human Services The U.S Department of Human Services has an exceptional department that looks at the allocation of cost. The reason of having this division is to ensure all pertinent issues which are several in numbers are well addressed since this department exclusively deals with such issues (DHS, 2010). This department administers cost allocation to hospitals, colleges and universities mainly through r eviewing and negotiating cost rates that are indirect.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Usually, these cost rates once received are subject to review which takes about 180 days as from the day when they are received (Young, 1985, p.54). It is important to point out that cost allocation is not just important for government agencies but also for private agencies which may have several departments. When an organization carries out cost allocation, it becomes easier to keep track of all projects of every department. For example, if an organization has five or more departments, it will be important to allocate funds for each department so as to keep an easy track on the projects and ensure that all have been catered for (Bryden, 1985, p.34). References Bryden, D. (1985). Cost Allocation. South Africa: S.N. Cityofseattle (2010). City of Seattle Budget for 2009 – 2010. Web. US Army Corps of Engineers. (2010). Walla Walla Project. Web. US Department of Human Services (DHS) (2010). Financial Accounting, Division of Cost Allocation. Web. Young, H. (1985). Cost allocation: methods, principles, applications. Holland: North- Holland.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Cost Allocation in US Army specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Human Resource Management in the Context of Organizations and Their Essay
Human Resource Management in the Context of Organizations and Their Environments - Essay Example Human resources management is an organization sector which is crucial for the performance of a specific firm. In its area, there are several theories that have tried to examine the conditions and the terms on which a hr strategy should be applied. In this context, Jackson et al. found that HRM can be used as ‘an umbrella term that encompasses (a) specific human resource practices such as recruitment, selection, and appraisal; (b) formal human resource policies, which direct and partially constrain the development of specific practices; and (c) overarching human resource philosophies, which specify the values that inform an organization's policies and practices’. On the other hand, Ulrich notices that ‘HR professionals can apply innovative ways to develop current employees, including: new and stretch job assignments, membership on project teams, action learning in training experiences, leaders running training programs, 360[degrees] feedback, coaching, Web-based bes t practice and learning mechanisms, and Web-based skill building’. In order for the above hr strategies to succeed in their mission, the existence of continuous employee support would be necessary. For this reason Elsdon et al. stated that ‘a person-to-person career counseling should be offered to the extension that such an activity creates greater workforce flexibility by enabling employees to respond rapidly to a changing environment and customer needs’.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Charles Wilbert White and David Hammons - Finding cross-influence Research Paper
Charles Wilbert White and David Hammons - Finding cross-influence through a semiotic perspective - Research Paper Example Hammonds attended the Chouinard art institute in Los Angeles, California from1966 to 1968.Later he attended the Otis Art Institute where one of his teachers was the renowned Charles White. Hammonds finally settled in the city of New York from where he mostly worked. He is recognized as a performance artist, installation artist, and sculptor. Hammons made a significant contribution to the world of art. His work speaks of overtones of culture that employ provocative materials and aspects, for example chicken parts, strands of hair, and cheap wine bottles and elephant dung. Although some critics heavily criticized this, Hammons saw some kind of ritualistic power in them and that was the reason that he used them so frequently. Hammons work is generally centered in the black urban setting experience. He uses elements like sarcasm and irony to confront cultural stereotyping and race related issues. Hammons received the MacArthur Fellowship award in 1991. David Hammons first gained his popu larity through a series of highly creative and magnificent body prints body paints that saw revolution in the American paints art industry in the early 1970’s. One of his most popular and greatest art works is the paintwork entitled the injustice case of the 1973 drawn in Los Angeles. This highly contradictive paintwork raised numerous concerns especially in relation to contemporary racial issue that was most prevalent in the United States during those times. Hammons is an example of an artist that used a large number of visual styles and therefore he did not restrict himself to a single style. This made him stand out among other artists of his generation. Hammons works have been collected and exhibited in various art shows and seminars although he mostly prefers to sell his collections privately. Some of the institutions that have collected Hammonds works include The Contemplary Art Museum in Chicago, The New York Museum of modern art and the Museum of Contemplary Art in Chi cago amongst others. Hammons art sought to understand the place of Black people in American society. This is more vivid in his work though in a variety of ways and use of different kinds of media. This he did by avoiding one signature visual style. He shared lots of concern of why the blacks were never allowed to participate in many public affairs and could not be seen contributing to nation building (Constance 63). With the cross-cultural society and tension among the various cultural groups, his work managed to point out both private and public gaps and tried to define the components of a highly valued product. Illustration of such is found in Bliz-aard Ball Sale of 1983, which is his performance work putting himself alongside street vendors in downtown Manhattan in order to sell snowballs whose prices vary with their sizes. This brought about paradox on the product being exchanged and clears information on the capitalistic nature of art. It is satirical in the sense that it broug ht the whiteness, criticizing luxury of racial classification. He also tried to put across social realities faced by the street vendors who have been discriminated against by virtue of their class or race. As
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Virtual Reality And Its Impact On Society Information Technology Essay
Virtual Reality And Its Impact On Society Information Technology Essay Technology has transformed peoples perception of the world by either creating new environments for them to traverse, or by providing them passage to corners of the earth they will never otherwise visit in their entire lifetimes. Virtual reality, briefly defined as an environment that is computer-simulated, has transcended social and geographical barriers ever since its applications have been increasingly used by everyday people. Whereas before it was limited only to labyrinth and high-cost applications availed of by expert users, virtual reality has now broadened its breadth to encompass the general public which optimizes the Internet to configure, share and create virtual communities benefitting society in the areas of education, law enforcement, medicine and industries. Defining Virtual Reality Virtual reality is an environment which is computer-simulated, and the simulation could be that of an imaginary world, or a real one (Gajera, n.d.). Virtual reality environments are mainly three-dimensional visual experiences that are displayed either on a screener through special or stereoscopic displays, and enhanced by sensory information such as sounds that emanate from headphones or speakers (Gajera, n.d., p. 3). There are modern applications that provide force feedback or tactile information, which are generally used for gaming and medical applications. To experience this, multi-modal devices such as the omni directional treadmill, the Polhemus boom arm, or a wired glove is used, as in Figure 1 at Appendix Page (Gajera, n.d.). Michael R. Heim, in his book entitled, The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality, has named seven applications of virtual reality: network communication, full-body immersion, telepresence, immersion, artificiality, interaction and simulation (Gajera, n.d.). In light of these, a virtual environment may be defined as a digital space in which a users activities are monitored, and his or her surroundings rendered, or digitally composed and displayed to the senses, in accordance with those activities (Fox, Arena and Bailenson, 2009, p. 95). According to Jesse Fox, Dylan Arena, and Jeremy N. Bailenson, the critical element of the most fascinating virtual reality experiences is the hindering real, sensory impressions; a users senses are engaged in the virtual world, with the body consigned to a reality engine, as in Figure 1 at Appendix Page (Fox, Arena and Bailenson, 2009, p. 95). Technically, the virtual reality system uses both software and hardware which allow developers to produce virtual reality systems (Riva, 2009). The hardware elements receive inputs coming from devices that are manipulated by the user, and sends multi-sensory output to generate an imagery of a virtual world (Riva, 2009, p. 337). Meanwhile, the software element of a virtual reality system does not really create the virtual world. Rather, there is a separate software which projects the virtual world through the use of the virtual reality software system (Riva, 2009, p. 337). Hence, a virtual reality system is made up of a graphic rendering system, a database construction and virtual object modeling software (337), and the input and output tools (Riva, 2009). The Impact of Virtual Reality on Society Virtual Reality has taken the world by storm, and is now tagged as the next dominant technological development. In the same way as the Internet, virtual reality was created for a specific purpose but modern technology has made it more versatile. At first, virtual reality was conceptualized as a new medium of entertainment; but as time passed, it has found more useful uses from providing online education, to applications in the medical field and giving hope to people with terminal diseases. Currently, virtual reality is used in (i) businesses, specifically in the presentation of graphs and charts, (ii) industries like the automotive industrys manufacturing arm, (iii) military for simulations and training, (iv) medical field for treatments of various ailments and disorders, and (v) education, specifically in laboratories, online education and virtual museums (Fortune City, 2010). It is foreseen that in the future, virtual reality will further enhance training at medical schools, comme rcial airlines, the Air Force, and will even be utilized by clothing manufacturers in the form of virtual reality shopping (Fortune City, 2010). Education Educators and scientists have joined forces all throughout the U.S. to establish virtual reality education to students and teachers alike, through the use of head-mounted displays (HMD), Immersawalls, ImmersaDesks and Cave Automated Virtual Environments (CAVEs), see Figure 3 at Appendix Page (Rusch, Sherman and Thakkar, 2002, p. 205). CAVE has a standard size of 10 x 10 x 10 space and has a floor, ceiling and three walls. Students utilizing this system don stereographic glasses which intensify images, and use a CAVE wand to assist that user as, i.e., molecule, or pedestrian, or fish, in navigating the virtual environment (Rusch, Sherman and Thakkar, 2002, p. 205). This is just a birds eye view of the role that virtual reality will play in education. Despite the fact that there are a good number of educational applications of virtual reality being availed of in the U.S. these days, the development of virtual reality has not yet achieved its maximum potential in the classroom (Rusch, Sherman and Thakkar, 2002, p. 205). The field of Career Technical Education has begun to benefit from virtual reality. Students can explore operating rooms, submarines, a prototype car, airplane cockpits, biotech laboratories, crime scenes and agricultural farms without having to travel, through the use of virtual reality (Ausburn and Ausburn, 2008). Again, through the use of CAVEs and HMDs, students are provided with three-dimensional simulations to give them a sense of being there' (Ausburn and Ausburn, 2008, p. 43). A good number of careers necessitate learning that will allow individuals to safely carry out their tasks amid dangerous circumstances. Because virtual reality is supremely realistic, it enables the student to benefit from active involvement with accurate and intricate visual scenes (Ausburn and Ausburn, 2008). Hence, training programs utilize virtual reality for railway and mining operations, dangerous driving scenarios, handling of hazardous materials, nuclear energy, marine exploration, space and aviation exploration, emergency medical operations, firefighting, military and law enforcement (Ausburn and Ausburn, 2008). The aim of these training programs is to teach students how to efficiently and effectively respond under high-cost, high-risk and complex circumstances, without damaging equipment and endangering personnel while still at training. Educational programs for courses like spray painting, bio-technology, aircraft maintenance, crime scene investigation and forensics, (44) engineering, dentistry, surgical technology and welding also benefit from virtual technology. Because the technology is still fairly new, CAVEs are expensive to avail of. Moreover, it is also expensive to implement and sustain, because of the specialized skills that are needed to set it up and maintain it. Nevertheless, as technology continues to evolve, there is much promise for virtual reality systems that may be used through laptops or desktops, utilizing special software that are based on JAVA, Flash and QuickTime technologies (Ausburn and Ausburn, 2008). Figure 4 illustrates how virtual reality may be accessed from a web system (Ottoson and Holmdahl, 2007). Because of the benefits offered by virtual reality technologies, there is a high degree of enthusiasm surrounding it in the world of the academe. Figure 5 summarizes the benefits of virtual reality in education. Law Enforcement Taking its cue from the September 11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. has been innovating on taking protective measures preserve the security of its citizenry. One effective way of doing this is through the use virtual reality for training and intelligence gathering purposes. The U.S. intelligence community has been using virtual reality to simulate actual battlefields in the future, utilizing cyber weapons for initiating attacks against terrorists and other potential adversaries (Wilson, 2008, p. 4). Military use of virtual technology is efficient and effective in training personnel manage better under potentially risky scenarios. Participants utilize avatars in virtual environments that simulate, i.e., a checkpoint in Iraq, or a New York subway tunnel subjected to terroristic chemical attacks (Wilson, 2008). The downside is that a study conducted in 2007 showed that American firms are not ready to take the lead in embracing Web 2.0 technology which is the foundation of virtual technology in the years to come. The leaders in this area are (i) India, with plans of escalating their virtual reality investments by 80%, (ii) Asia-Pacific companies, by 69%, (iii) European companies, by 65%, (iv) Chinese companies, by 64%, (v) North American companies, by 64%, and (v) Latin American companies, by 62% (Wilson, 2008, p. 4). Number one in the list, India, has been showing a strong economic presence in the global markets. Figure 6 indicates its industry production forecast until 2012 (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2010). The implication here is whether the U.S. can protect its citizens if its virtual reality servers and communication systems were operated by another country very much possible, by an enemy nation. Under wraps in the virtual reality program of the military is Sentient Worldwide Simulation, which will depict mass casualty events, that not only need military action but medical interventions as well. Hence, this program includes virtual reality hospital rooms that emulate military and civilian facilities, populated by avatars representing victims, casualties, nurses, the National Coast Guard and other first responders. Other training simulation modules are Urban Resolve, for urban war fighting in Baghdad in the year 2015, with over two million simulated objects (Wilson, 2008, p. 5). In addition to this, Noble Resolve is being developed, which is a training exercise covering homeland security scenarios in the event of a terroristic attack (Wilson, 2008, p. 5). Meanwhile, police unites utilize virtual reality programs such as the Meggitt Training System which teaches basic firearms skills and responses in both shoot/dont shoot decision making (Griffith, 2009). The Los Angeles Police Department uses the IES Milo System; the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Police Department uses the Advanced Interactive Systems; and, the Phelps County Sheriffs Department uses the IVR-300. Most of these systems permit multiple students in the virtual environment (Griffith, 2009). Medicine Techniques in virtual reality are increasingly being utilized in medical education, treatment and diagnosis (Yellowlees, 2009). Early adoptions of virtual reality in the field of medicine pertained to representation of intricate data emanating from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) (Yellowlees, 2009). Recently, virtual reality has been applied to virtual colonoscopy in which information from contrast enhanced abdominal CT scan is utilized to present a fly-through of the colon which is then used for screening for colon cancer (Yellowlees, 2009). Phobias and post-traumatic stress disorders are also being treated now using virtual reality, Figures 7 and 8 illustrate virtual environments for the treatment of agoraphobia (Cà ¡rdenas, Munoz, Gonzà ¡lez, and Uribarren, 2006). In particular, training for medical students are enhanced by the use of a virtual psychosis environment, wherein they have the opportunity to experience visual and auditory hallucinations of schizophrenic patients (Yellowlees, 2009). As mentioned earlier, indispensable training may be provided by virtual reality for mass casualty, as well as for disaster response and medical emergencies. Although it has been found out that the use of standardized patients for training such as these were more effective because of the realism element, virtual reality simulations were more cost-effective, it was also advantageous in the sense that the simulations may be repeated unlimitedly, so that skills may be practiced and mastered (Yellowlees, 2009). Virtual reality has been used in other areas of medicine like in chemotherapy distraction intervention, providing leisure time opportunities for people with intellectual and physical disabilities, brain damage rehabilitation for stroke victims, smoking cessation, physical therapy, autism, mental retardation and other relevant areas. Business Marketing efforts for businesses have been greatly enhanced by virtual reality. Business owners can now advertise their products over various multi-media, and depict a 360-degree image of products that they are manufacturing, marketing and selling. Websites have been high-tech critical missions for Top 500 companies, triggering a competition on virtual reality advertising (Kassaye, 2006). Figure 9 depicts a chart tracing these new breed of competitors and how they fare through their communication objectives (Kassaye, 2006). Meanwhile, virtual reality is also useful for the manufacturing process, because layout planning for assembly systems and machines require more data than the basis geometry (Okulicz, 2004). Moreover, 3D CAD Systems are not effective for plotting out production processes, and virtual reality has no restrictions as the two aforementioned processes (Okulicz,2004). In addition to this, virtual reality provides semi-immersive and/or interactive immersive visualization that is essential for the visual estimation of each manufacturing process (Okulicz, 2004). With some slight overlap with the aforementioned field of Education, virtual reality platforms are valuable in training and education for businesses. For instance, developing, testing and operating sophisticated machinery and fixing it under tight tire pressure when it malfunctions are some skills that employees in the industries have to master (Blumel, Termath and Haase, 2009). Companies benefit from investing in learning platforms like the Fraunhoffer IFF Learning Platform which utilizes virtual reality in customizing training modules to suit its end users levels of knowledge through configuration (Blumel, Termath and Haase, 2009). Virtual Reality in the field of business encompasses a much broader scope, and development in this area is anticipated to be quick and impressive. Conclusion People have benefited from virtual reality in more ways than one, attesting to the fact that the it has positively impacted society in general. Education has been enhanced by virtual reality, and students have been provided a new dimension of learning that prepares them for their chosen careers more efficiently. Meanwhile, security measures being adopted by the government have been highlighted with modern technology, especially virtual reality. Police and military forces can now be trained for highly-dangerous scenarios, without actually exposing them to great risks. On the other hand, the medical field has furthered its growth due to the advent of virtual reality. Of the advantages of virtual reality, this is one of the most significant because of its potential in asisting scientists discover life-saving technologies and techniques. Lastly, business enterprises also benefit from virtual technology, to enable organizations to compete more in international markets. Virtual reality has a long way to go, and more benefits are anticipated for humankind. IRTUAL REALITY 8 Appendix Page Figure 1 Virtual Reality (Images from Google) VIRTUAL REALITY 9 Figure 2 Virtual Environment (Gajera, n.d.) VIRTUAL REALITY 10 Figure 3 Virtual Reality in Education (Rusch, Sherman Thakkar, 2002) Figure 4 Virtual Reality and the Web System (Ottoson and Holmdahl, 2007) VIRTUAL REALITY 11 Figure 5 Benefits of Virtual Reality in Education (Blumel and Hasse, 2009) VIRTUAL REALITY 12 Figure 6 Industry Performance History and Forecast, India (Economic Intelligence Unit, 2010) Forecast summary (% unless otherwise indicated) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Real GDP growth 8.8 8.6 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.6 Industrial production growth 10.9 8.4 9 8 7.9 7.9 Unemployment rate (av) 10.8 10.6 10.6 10.4 10.1 9.7 Consumer price inflation (av) 11.7 6.5 5.2 5.2 5.9 5.6 Consumer price inflation (end-period) 7.4 5.8 5.2 5.5 5.7 5.5 Short-term interbank rate 12.4 13.4 13.5 13.2 13.2 13.2 Govt balance (% of GDP) -5.5 -5.3 -5 -4.3 -4.1 -3.5 Exports of goods fob (US$ bn) 208.3 231.6 257.9 291.4 328.9 371.3 Imports of goods fob (US$ bn) -334.9 -373.7 -429.2 -498.6 -578.9 -677.4 Current-account balance (US$ bn) -32.5 -36.8 -42.7 -50.5 -51.1 -55.2 Current-account balance (% of GDP) -2.1 -2.1 -2.1 -2.1 -1.8 -1.7 Total foreign debt (year-end; US$ bn) 237.9 256.9 280.4 308.5 337.9 367.4 Exchange rate Rs:US$ (av) 46.14 46.53 45.43 44.1 43.1 42 Exchange rate Rs:US$ (end-period) 46.34 45.98 44.77 43.6 42.55 41.45 Exchange rate Rs: ¥100 (av) 49.24 52.73 51.77 50.84 50.12 48.84 Exchange rate Rs:à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ (av) 64.28 60.12 54.06 50.72 49.13 47.88 (c) Economist Intelligence Unit 2010 VIRTUAL REALITY 13 Figure 7 Virtual Environment No. 1 for Agoraphobia (Cà ¡rdenas, et al., 2006) Figure 8 virtual environment number 2 for agoraphobia VIRTUAL REALITY 14 Figure 9 New Breed of Competitors Using Virtual Reality (Kassaye, 2006). VIRTUAL REALITY 15
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Advantages and disadvantages of the civil war Essay
In 1861, when the Civil War broke out, the Confederacy and the Union both had numerous advantages and disadvantages and there were multiple women and slaves that contributed to the war. To begin with, the Confederacy had its significant advantages that helped it push through the war, one of which was its strong leaders. Many believed â€Å"Stonewall†Jackson and Robert E. Lee were some of the best officers even before the war. Also, they had the advantage of fighting on their own soil. They knew the terrain better that of their counterparts. A psychological aspect could be that fighting for their land, for their families, could have been the driving force or motivation. Moreover, they have longer coast lines which increased the travel time and decreased the chances of blockade or capturing of ports and major cities. On the other hand, the Confederacy did have several disadvantages as well. First, they were not recognized by Europe at all which limited their foreign aid. The Confederacy also had minimal factory production and industry. At the beginning of the war, the Confederacy had only one-ninth the industrial capacity of the Union. But that statistic was misleading. In 1860, the North manufactured 97 percent of the country’s firearms, 96 percent of its railroad locomotives, 94 percent of its cloth, 93 percent of its pig iron, and over 90 percent of its boots and shoes. There was not even one rifleworks in the entire South. The railroad system that the Union had was far more sophisticated than that of the Confederacy, having over ten thousand more miles of railroad tracks that were, in itself, more modern. Due to the large amounts of manufacturing businesses and the railroad system to move the products, the Union, unlike the Confederacy, could produce and ship weapons, clothing, and food at a much more efficient rate than their counterparts. Also, because they were a newly founded â€Å"sovereign state†, the Confederacy did not have a professional, organized standing army and navy. The army and navy of the Federal United States were already organized and ready for war. Since, The Union had a naval advantage and the confederacy had Long Coastlines that were hard to defend,the union could block the Confederate’s ports for supplies. Furthermore, the economy of the Confederacy was destroyed by the Union. Second, the Union also had its many advantages as well as some disadvantages. One of the North’s significant advantages in fighting the war was that the industrial, urbanized Northern states held a significant edge in the population and manpower. The North had over twenty-two million people whereas the South had just over nine million (three and a half million of whom were blacks). Additionally, the Union had already an more experienced government since it was around for some years, when on the contrary, the Confederate government was fresh and new. Also, as mentioned before the Union was far more industrialized with its vast networks of factories, railroads, and ships which exceed any amount of industrialization in the south. This aspect gave the Union of being able to transport supplies and equipment faster and finance the war much better than the Confederacy. Finally, as it was also mentioned previously, the Union did have a large navy that allowed them to block major southern ports. During the horrible four years of the Civil War, women who did not own property, did not have the right to vote, or did not have many civil liberties came together in support of the war efforts. Women were so eager to help that they hid their identity by dressing as men, taking up masculine names, and took up arms of their own. They cared for sick and dying soldiers, risked their lives to gather information as spies, cooked, cleaned and care for children. The tenacity and love with which these women served their country was astounding, and yet often overlooked. About 3,000 women served as Union army nurses. Dorthea Dix was one women who was acknowledged for being the Nation’s first superintendent of women nurses. Clara Barton was recognized for being the first women to work in the U.S. Patent Office and was given the name â€Å"Angel of the Battlefield.†Sally Tompkins was a Confederate army nurse commissioned as captain because she performed her hospital duties so heroically. Finally, Belle Boyd was honored for being a brave Confederate nurse and spy. After President Lincoln presented the Emancipation proclamation, which held a section for the enlistment of African Americans into the Union Army, African American men rushed to enlist. This time they were accepted into all-black units. The first of these was the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Colored Regiment, led by white officer Robert Gould Shaw. Their heroism in combat put to rest worries over the willingness of black soldiers to fight. Soon other regiments were being formed, and in May 1863 the War Department established the Bureau of Colored Troops. Black recruiters, many of them abolitionists such as Frederick Douglass, Henry Highland Garnet, and Mary Ann Shadd Cary, brought in troops from throughout the North. Douglass proclaimed, â€Å"I urge you to fly to arms and smite with death the power that would bury the government and your liberty in the same hopeless grave.†Others, such as Harriet Tubman, recruited in the South. On March 6, 1863, the Secretary of War was informed that â€Å"seven hundred and fifty blacks who were waiting for an opportunity to join the Union Army had been rescued from slavery under the leadership of Harriet Ross Tubman†¦.†By the end of the war more than 186,000 black soldiers had joined the Union army; 93,000 from the Confederate states, 40,000 from the border slave states, and 53,000 from the free states. They participated in about 500 Civil War battles and skirmishes. Although they were treated unequally they continued to volunteer. For example, white privates in the Union army were paid $13 monthly with and extra $3.50 clothes allowance, while black privates in the Union were only paid $10 monthly WITHOUT an extra clothes allowance. It wasn’t until 1864 that Congress equalized the pay for the black and white soldiers. Also, the mortality rate of blacks were higher than that of whites due to the fact that they were assigned to labor duty in the germ-ridden garrisons where they were likely to ctach typhoid, pneumonia, malaria, or other diseases.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Human Resource Plan Essay
Abstract Planning is important in our everyday life. Similarly planning in Human Resource (HR) is significant for an organization wishing to be successful. It is vital for attaining competitive edge in the market. Mostly top management fails to use HR Department more than as administrative support because they don’t realize its importance in managing the most crucial asset of the organization i. e. Human Resource (Rothwell, W. J and Kazanas, H. C. , 2002). In this paper an HR Plan has been formulated for getting a practical view of Human Resource Planning. Super Mart is an American company dealing in chain of departmental stores. Founded in 1972, it is the largest private employer and grocery retailer in United States. It owns 20% of the market share. It is functional across globe in U. K, Mexico, Argentina, China, South America, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Germany and South Korea. The company’s main competitor includes American Superstore, Sellers and Canada’s PurchaseKo (Frank, 2006). Super Mart has developed a frugal culture. The company’s aim has been to keep the prices low and also maintain the cutting-edge technology, a frugal corporate culture and a drive to make suppliers sell merchandise at cheaper prices. The employees are expected to keep the expenses at bare minimum. This shows in the meager salary and health facilities provided to the employees. The culture is present at the Headquarter also which is situated in a suburban location of Arkansas rather than New York. Its executives use coaches and don’t drive limousines and share hotel rooms. They come early, go late and work half day on Saturdays. The company’s main aim is delivering to customers at low cost which shows in its work culture as well (Wilbert, n. d. ). For its internal communication Super Mart has recruited 300 HR personnel, whose job is to communicate the business objectives and growth opportunities to the employees. There also has been an integration of human resource practices with all business strategies for ensuring that all the employees are moving in same direction. An Ethics hotline has been developed where all the ethical issues are reported and promptly investigated (Wal-Mart’s new Communication Plan, 2007). The company has also updated its website to include all issues and controversies. The answer to the question as to why an employee will choose Super Mart as its employer lies in its brand value. Super Mart has 270 stores across America and has global presence. Its initiative in health care and employee benefits are gaining praise. Super Mart has realized that it is successful if its employees are happy, especially as it belongs to service sector, which spells good news for the employees. Recruitment and Selection Recruitment is an important aspect for planning manpower. The recruitment process has been divided into four stages i. e. search plan, selection techniques, timetable and recruitment budget (Human resource Planning, 2006) Search Plan: For attracting the potential employees, media tools like advertising, visits at university and job exhibition are planned. This process is carried on for a period of one month. Selection Techniques: First job specification is designed for a particular position, say for front office employee. Educational Qualification: 10+2 or Graduate Age limit: 25- 30 Qualities: Good communication skills, ready to work in shifts, adaptable to situations, customer friendly and persuasive and eye for detail. On the basis of the above specifications, candidates are shot listed and interviewed. The successful candidates are recommended and unsuccessful candidates are thanked and send back. The selection decision is detained with the area manager only. Timetable: The recruitment and selection process is spread over for four months, from January to April. The recruitment budget covering the advertisement, assessment of applications, interviews and reference checks of employees have been estimated around 2lac. The job description and interview questions have been provided in the appendix. Compensation and Benefits For determining compensation for various posts’ salary, survey is carried out. For making correct comparison, not only matching the job title but matching job duties and responsibilities is also essential. Salary is decided by considering labor market characteristics and cost of living (HR Planning, n. . ). Going by the example taken in this paper for fixing salary for front office employees, their job description is reviewed. Also other components apart from basic salary like traveling allowance and extra pay for overtime have been included (see appendix). Performance Management The performance appraisal of employees is an essential process to keep the employees in check as well as monitor the quality of work. It also provides avenues for development based on feedback and lacunae are identified. Here, as the employees in consideration are front office employees, a simple tool for performance management is selected as the Rating Scale Method. As only basic qualities are expected out of the employees and no technical or high expertises are required, a simple technique like Rating Scale is preferable. In rating scale, the appraiser is asked to rate individual employee on the basis of qualities identified like communication skills, customer feedback, product knowledge, attitude etc. (Sturo, J. , 2006). Employees are ranked on the basis of points assigned to them. Training Program Training is an integral part of HR activity. It is provided not only to new employees but also to the existing employees due to the technological changes or change in ways of marketing or introduction of any new methodology at work. The front office workers are provided training in communication and product knowledge. Certain level of computer education is also given for handling the billing job. The training period lasts for two weeks which includes lectures and simulation program. At the end of the training program, new employees are kept on a probation period of one month where their performance is monitored. Employees showing lack of any learning or scope of improvement are discharged. Retention Program A lot of revenue and time is devoted towards recruiting and selecting people for any position. The story doesn’t end here. The new employee is trained and becomes productive only after a month or so. This adds further to the expenses. Thus, loosing an employee in a short duration after putting so much of money into his/her development becomes uneconomical. This spells more damage for service sector companies because being intangible form of product customers symbolize their experience as equivalent to the standard of service offered. And front office staff is the key to this satisfaction in a big way. Thus, in order to retain the employees, various retention techniques should be adopted, for example incentives for being rated at the top of performance appraisal for consecutive three times, awards for most punctual and well dressed employees, having a star system where employees are given a star badge if he/she has received five positive customer feedback in a month etc. Super Mart is an American Company with global presence. But throughout the years, it is having an approach of ignoring the human resource development by following a frugal system. But with the changing time, it has realized that the best way to succeed is to have happy employees. Keeping this in mind, it has come up with an HR plan which covers areas of recruitment, compensation and benefits, training, performance benefits and retention programs. Hope it will bring smiles for the employees as well as the company in the future. Appendix Job Description: Working hour is 24/7 divided in shifts of 6 hours on a rotational basis. Employees should have good communication skills and identifying products Employees will be expected to deal with customers with patience Assisting customer with making right purchase choice and managing customer flow. Politeness and earnestness to help are other desirable qualities. Interview Questions: Tell me something about yourself? Have you ever lost your cool? When and why? Describe any random product’s features. Compensation Description Basic salary: 9000 Conveyance: 500 For overtime: 500 Total salary: 10,000 Rating Scale for Front Office Employee
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Financial Statements Of Financial Statement Fraud
Financial Statement Fraud Financial statement fraud is any intentional or grossly negligent violation of generally accounting principles (GAAP) that is undisclosed and materially effects any financial statement. Fraud can take many forms, including hiding both bad and god news. Research shows that financial statement fraud us relatively more likely to occur in companies with assets of less than $100 million, with earnings problems, and with loose governance structures (Hopwood, Leiner, Young, 2011). Financial statement fraud is usually a means to an end rather than an end in itself. When people cook the books they may doing it to buy more time to quietly fix business problems that prevent their entities from achieving its expected earnings or complying with loan covenants (Fraud Magazine, 2014. It may also be done to obtain or renew financing that would not be granted or would be smaller if honest financial statements were provided. People intent on profiting from crime may commit financial statement fraud to obtain loans they can then siphon off for personal gain or to inflate the price of the company s shares, allowing them to sell their holdings or exercise stock options at a profit (Fraud Magazine, 2014). However, in many past cases of financial statement fraud, the perpetrators have gained little or nothing personally in financial terms. Instead the focus appears to have been preserving their status as leaders of the entity - a status that might have been lostShow MoreRelat edFinancial Statement Fraud And Corporate Financial Fraud1310 Words  | 6 PagesFinancial Statement Fraud Background Financial statement fraud is one of the biggest types of fraud in today’s business world. The complexity and mechanism of financial statement fraud brought the attention of auditors and regulators. Financial scandals of Enron, WorldCom, Xerox, Tyco, Parmalat, Qwest, and Satam Computers increased the auditors’ responsibility in detecting and preventing fraudulent transactions. Corporate financial fraud had negative consequences for the market capitalization dueRead MoreInvestigation Of Financial Statement Fraud780 Words  | 4 PagesInvestigating Financial Statement Fraud Background Financial Statement is the heart and soul of the business industry as it provides the financial condition of the company and the going forward initiatives of the corporation, therefore it is critical that the financial statement is free from manipulation and misstatement to be material and useful for stakeholders and other earning statement users. Goel and Gangolly (2012) implied that top management knows the financial statement users will perceiveRead MoreFinancial Statement Fraud : A Perfect Fraud Storm1304 Words  | 6 PagesFinancial statement fraud is something that has become more commonplace than it should be. Many different events will often lead up to a rash of companies participating in financial statement fraud. Between the year 2000 and 2002 there were a number of factors that led to what appeared to be a perfect fraud storm according to our text (Albrecht, Albrecht, Albrecht, Zimbelman, 2012). Nine of those will be looked at here. It will also be discussed as to what some of the common ways financialRead MoreUnderstanding Financial Statement Fraud And Financial Statements1730 Words  | 7 PagesUnderstanding Financial Statement Fraud Anna Gallagher American Public Universityâ€Æ' Understanding Financial Statement Fraud Financial statement fraud is any intentional or grossly negligent violation of generally accounting principles (GAAP) that is undisclosed and materially effects any financial statement. Fraud can take many forms, including hiding both bad and god news. Research shows that financial statement fraud us relatively more likely to occur in companies with assets of less than $100 millionRead MoreFinancial Statements Fraud56771 Words  | 228 PagesGraduate School 6-1-2008 Detecting financial statement fraud: Three essays on fraud predictors, multi-classifier combination and fraud detection using data mining Johan L. Perols University of South Florida Follow this and additional works at: Part of the American Studies Commons Scholar Commons Citation Perols, Johan L., Detecting financial statement fraud: Three essays on fraud predictors, multi-classifier combination and fraud detection using data mining (2008)Read MoreFinancial Statement Frauds29904 Words  | 120 Pages2002:53 Financial Statement Fraud - Recognition of Revenue and the Auditor’s Responsibility for Detecting Financial Statement Fraud - Tiina Intal and Linh Thuy Do Graduate Business School School of Economics and Commercial Law Gà ¶teborg University ISSN 1403-851X Printed by Elanders Novum Abstract Financial reporting frauds and earnings manipulation have attracted high profile attention recently. There have been several cases by businesses of what appears to be financial statement fraudRead MoreFinancial Statement Fraud5172 Words  | 21 PagesFinancial Statement Fraud ACCT 710: Assignment 6-2 Shannon Baxley David Welch September 24, 2011 Table of Contents Abstract†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..3 Literature Reviews†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..16 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...18 Abstract This paper describes financial statement fraud (FSF) and how it may occur within companies. The reason of this study was to researchRead MoreQuestions On Financial Statement Fraud1889 Words  | 8 PagesFinancial statement fraud is a common way to commit fraud. There are many types of fraud that can be committed with financial statements, including timing differences, fictitious revenues, concealed liabilities, improper disclosures, and improper asset valuation. These fraud schemes can be prevented and detected with a variety of audit techniques. The auditing techniques applied depend on the type of audit that is been carried out. They depend on whether it is an internal audit or an external auditRead MoreFinancial Statement Fraud Schemes Essay727 Words  | 3 PagesFinancial Statement Fraud Schemes While evaluating Apollo Shoes, there are some areas of concern that are potential fraud schemes. Fraud can lead to the entire collapse of a company if not corrected, and will also affect share value and investor confidence. This paper provides an overview of the process of investigation along with recommendations for the company. As with any company, revenue recognition is an important part of operations for Apollo Shoes. Generally accepted accounting principlesRead MoreFinancial Statement Fraud Schemes : Worldcom Essay1374 Words  | 6 PagesFinancial Statement Fraud Schemes WorldCom was involved in two major forms of financial statement fraud schemes, overstatement of revenue and understatement of line costs (Vance, 2016). WorldCom was overstating there revenue by regularly monitoring revenue through the sales groups’ performances measured against the revenue plan (Vance, 2016). Every two to three months a meeting was held that brought each sales channel’s manager and they were obligated to present and defend their sales channel’s
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