Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Risk Management And Boundaries Case Study - 1256 Words
Risk Management and Boundaries case study Name: Delsie Henry Course: School: Kaplan University Date: October 3, 2017 Risk management and Boundaries. The context to which human services are delivered is totally different in today’s world. We observe that there are so many different methods of communication that can occur between human services professional and clients. First there was the writing letters, phone calls or direct face to face communication would have been as the main methods of communicating. In the modern world there are many new methods which stem from the fact that smartphones are so much more prevalent today and the rise and further rise of social media has added. This has made the delivery of human services much more†¦show more content†¦According to Badeau, no kid should grow out of foster care alone. In life, challenges are always inevitable but this does not mean life is not worth living. Risk management skills are essential to every human being to handle challenges and move forward. Most scholars in human services studies argue that risk management techniques are essential to every person and people should be able to implement them in their daily lives. One of the fundamental techniques in risk management is risk assessment. This involves identifying the possible risk this technique has been broadly applied in all disciplines to help prevent harm. In the case provided, one problem Mr. X did was not to take time and assess the situation. The fact that Mr. Y is going a transition from moving from foster home to independent life is a challenge. Initially, Mr. Y was dependent on someone and now has to be independent and make independent decisions. This needs orientation. Mr. X clearly did not take time to assess the situation at hand. Assessing a risk is always a safety practice since it could have placed Mr. X in a better situation to identify possible challenges that could have been expected and take measures to prevent them. According to this case, Mr. Y has been under foster care and he is just about to Get out of the program. First, some reasons as to why people undergo foster careShow MoreRelatedHealthcare s Application Of Petronio s Communication Privacy Management Theory944 Words  | 4 PagesHealthcare’s Application of Petronio’s Communication Privacy Management Theory Communication privacy management theory (CPM) developed by Sandra Petronio in 1991, is a theory about how people make decisions regarding how they reveal and/or conceal their private information. CPM functions on the premise that individuals maintain and manage privacy boundaries in their interpersonal communications depending on the perceived weight of ones benefit and cost of disclosure (Bridge Schrodt, 2013). 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